A few thoughts on fruit and berries

A diversion

This weekend I had the pleasure of heading to a pick-and-pay farm with my family to pick our own apples and blueberries. I'd never done this before, save once for picking out a pumpkin as a kid. I have to say, it was absolutely delightful. The weather was perfect, the fruit was delicious, and the company was great. I can't recommend it enough.

We went to Jeter Mountain Farm in Hendersonville, NC. It's a beautiful spot with a great view of the surrounding mountains. The farm has a large variety of apples, and the blueberries were plentiful. We picked a few pounds of apples and a quart of blueberries. The apples were crisp and sweet, and the blueberries were juicy and flavorful. We also got some fresh apple cider and BBQ that they made on site. If you're in the area, I highly recommend checking it out.

It's actually made me start searching for other ways of getting our produce locally. Having lived in Asheville for a short time, I haven't yet found all the hidden gems. But some quick internet searches have shown me that there are plenty of options. I'm excited to explore more of them in the coming weeks. Of particular note, I discovered that North Carolina has a small maple syrup industry. I had no idea! I'm excited to try some local syrup soon. I'll be sure to report back on my findings.

More on code and tech next time. For now, I'm going to enjoy the fruits of my labor. Literally.