Tools, gear, and other things that get me from A to B.

Sometimes people ask me about the things I use to get my work done. Here's a non-exhaustive list of the things I use and recommend. Nobody pays me to say this stuff. I just like it.

Development tools

  • Neovim

    I know, Vim is your nightmare. But I promise you, it’s worth it. I’ve been using it since I got started in tech, and I still learn new tricks and techniques. And, it’s exactly the way I want it to be.

  • iTerm2

    It’s great for the profiles and the split panes, but the real killer feature is the tmux integration. I can’t imagine going back to a single terminal window.

  • tmux

    I think I would use this if the only available feature was attaching to a running session. It is so handy to be able to detach from a session, then come back to the exact same state later.

  • GitHub Copilot

    It’s all in how you use it. If you don’t know what you’re trying to do, Copilot probably won’t help you. But if you’re stuck on a problem and need a nudge in the right direction, it can be a lifesaver. I use it to generate boilerplate code, code out my pseudocode, and speed up writing automated tests.

Professional Development

  • Frontend Masters

    Frontend Masters is one of the best upskilling resources I’ve found. They do a great job of refreshing content and keeping it up to date. It’s also so much more than just frontend development. They have full stack courses in different languages, design, product development, and even soft skills like interviewing. It’s completely worth the money.


  • Nirvana

    If you’re a GTD person, this is the best tool I’ve found for managing my inbox and getting things done. I keep track of basically everything in here.

  • ChatGPT

    If you can stop thinking of ChatGPT as a respository of facts and think of it more as a conversation partner, it’s a great tool for brainstorming and getting out of the blocks. I know many people who will say “It gives the wrong answers” but I think that’s missing the point. Think of it like asking a knowledgeable friend for advice. Sure, they might be wrong, but they might also be able to point you in the right direction.


  • 16” MacBook Pro, M1 Max, 64GB RAM (2021)

    My little workhorse. I’ve been using Macs since I was a kid, and I am very bought into the ecosystem. I know people have a love/hate relationship with Apple, but I’m firmly in the love camp. Plus, I make sure my parents have Macs too, so I can help them with their tech problems.


  • Day One

    I don’t journal every day, but when I do, I use Day One. It’s great because it easly allows me to keep multiple journals, and syncs from all my devices. I can journal about tech, parenting, finances, or whatever else I want to keep track of, and easily search through it later.

  • Grammarly

    How on earth did I write anything before Grammarly? I use it for almost everything I write, from emails to blog posts. It helps me sound professional while allowing me to keep my voice in the writing.